In view of the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, a group of players from German monetary reform movements came together in spring 2020 and are now approaching politicians with a catalogue of common demands in order to turn the crisis into an opportunity for sustainable, systemic change. Markus Duscha, managing partner of FaFin, moderated the process.
On the occasion of the 4th GLS Money Summit 2021, the paper published there on 1 May 2021 was created as an interim balance of these efforts.
The objectives presented there are common to the authors of the organisations INITIATIVE FÃœR NATÃœRLICHE WIRTSCHAFTSORDNUNG e.V., MONNETA gGMBH, MODERN MONETARY THEORY DEUTSCHLAND and CHIEMGAUER e.V.
The demands in the published paper are supported by everyone, even if the individual stakeholders have different prioritisations and further reform proposals that are not presented in the paper. The ‘Geldwende jetzt!’ (‘Money turnaround now!’) paper, produced with the support of GLS Treuhand e.V., can be downloaded here.