
From the Fair Finance Institute

This section contains news and interesting facts from FaFin.

Frauen Gruppe 1

Joint project of iff and FaFin

Accompanying study on gender lens investing

What is the logic behind the actions of private investors and fund providers with regard to products that can be categorised as gender lens investing (GLI)? How should this be assessed in relation to blended finance? To what extent is GLI already being used in German-speaking countries and what factors can be identified that promote and hinder it?
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FaFin – Fair Finance Lab gGmbH founded

Fair Finance Institute with greater organisational and personal clout and a new look

The Fair Finance Institute (FaFin), which has been working for a fair and sustainable monetary and financial system for many years, has continued to develop and strengthen itself.
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New FaFin project

EU Sustainable Finance Framework

The project on the EU Sustainable Finance Framework aims to ensure ambitious and consistent criteria in the EU sustainable finance framework.


Events to which FaFin contributes or which FaFin organises itself are entered in our FaFin calendar.

Click here for the FaFin calendar (in German).


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The Fair Finance Institute’s previous press releases can be found here.

July 2024: FaFin – Fair Finance Lab gGmbH founded. Fair Finance Institute with greater organisational and personal clout and a new look



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