Research. Education. Design.

For a monetary and financial system that serves people and protects our livelihoods.

How we work

FaFin conducts research for a sustainable monetary and financial system. To this end, it brings together people, perspectives, scientific disciplines and organisations, creates transformative learning and experience spaces and develops practical solutions together.


From the Fair Finance Institute

This section contains updates and interesting facts from FaFin.

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FaFin – Fair Finance Lab gGmbH founded

Fair Finance Institute with greater organisational and personal clout and a new look

The Fair Finance Institute (FaFin), which has been working for a fair and sustainable monetary and financial system for many years, has continued to develop and strengthen itself.
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New FaFin project

EU Sustainable Finance Framework

The project on the EU Sustainable Finance Framework aims to ensure ambitious and consistent criteria in the EU sustainable finance framework.
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FaFin co-created event for municipal representatives

Municipal Breakfast of Grafschafter Volksbank

Managing Director Markus Duscha from FaFin was involved in the conceptualisation of the event in advance in order to incorporate the experience of municipal FaFin projects relating to sustainable finance.


What we work on

FaFin realises a wide range of projects, information on which can be found here.

Projects that were or are still being worked on under Markus Duscha’s freelance work and not at FaFin gGmbH (more under History) are labelled accordingly.

Fair Finance

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Contact us

We look forward to meeting you! Please feel free to contact us by e-mail or telephone.

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