EU Sustainable Finance Framework

Ensuring Consistency and Ambition

30. May 2024

Subject area: EU Sustainable Finance

Organisations involved: : Climate & Company (project management), Fair Finance Institute, Lisa Knob (University of Kassel)

Contracting authority: German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)

Duration: 09/2023 to 02/2025


The requirements of the Taxonomy, the SFDR, the CSRD, the benchmark regulation, etc. need to be optimally interlinked and have a high level of ambition if the real and financial economy is to contribute effectively to the EU’s environmental goals.


So far, the requirements of key instruments of the EU sustainable finance framework (Taxonomy, SFDR, CSRD, Benchmark regulation, etc.) have not been optimally interlinked. The lack of coherency and consistency between the instruments limits the acceptance and compliance of the requirements and prevents the market from exploiting the full potential of the framework. Within this framework, the EU taxonomy is an important element. It provides criteria upon which financial markets should identify and classify environmentally sustainable economic activities on a scientific basis. If implemented well, this will contribute to the redirection of financial flows towards the European Green Deal objectives.

About the Project

The project on the EU Sustainable Finance Framework aims to ensure ambitious and consistent criteria in the EU sustainable finance framework. Its instruments (e.g. EU Taxonomy, CSRD, SFDR, etc.) need to be ambitious to include economic sectors that meet ambitious environmental requirements to inform financial markets which investments are scientifically sustainable. This will help avoid stranded assets and missing climate and environmental goals. In that regard, the consistency between instruments such as the EU Taxonomy, the CSRD, and the SFDR needs to be increased, in order to boost confidence of market participants in sustainability assessment and reporting. Consistency and coherence will ensure the efficiency of the EU’s sustainable finance framework. The Fair Finance Institute is collaborating with our partners form Climate & Company and Lisa Knob of the University of Kassel. The project is commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt).

About our Contribution

  • Identifying gaps in the EU Taxonomy: To identify potential gaps in the EU Taxonomy, we first looked at previous recommendations of the Platform on Sustainable Finance to the EU Commission, based on reports from March and October 2022. We then started analysing which recommended activities were included in the Taxonomy Environmental Delegated Act (C(2023)3851), which allows us to identify which activities could potentially still be considered in the future.
  • Consistency of the EU sustainable finance framework: In any process, inconsistencies may arise. The EU sustainable finance framework has received the feedback of including inconsistencies and incoherences. For example, the level of ambition for the same environmental dimension may differ across different instruments. To identify inconsistencies, we will conduct a content-sorted juxtaposition of key criteria of different instruments as well as an implementation of selected alignments, harmonisations and optimisations.
  • Harmonising of the EU sustainable finance framework: We pinpoint discrepancies in alignment between different sustainable finance regulations and formulate comprehensive recommendations to streamline and harmonise the framework.



  • EU Taxonomy
  • ESRS
  • SFDR


Team (FaFin)

  • Markus Duscha
  • Walter Kern
  • Katharina Meyhöfer
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